Experience history – at the Haus der Geschichte. We present German history from the end of the Second World War to the present – in exhibitions, events, online projects and publications. The Haus der Geschichte is one of the four museums that belong to the Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Foundation.
In our permanent exhibition “Our History. Germany since 1945”, we showcase more than 7,000 objects that outline German contemporary history from 1945 to the present. With up to four temporary exhibitions a year, we shed light on additional current topics or themes in contemporary history. Our educational services are designed to assist you, be it guided visits of the exhibitions, workshops or materials that help you explore them for yourselves.
Our events programme centres on film screenings, lectures and readings to create a platform for conversation and discussion with contemporary witnesses as well as prominent representatives of the worlds of politics, scholarship, culture and the media. Such events promote public discussion of current topics.
Collecting and preserving objects also constitute a major part of our work. Our collection on German contemporary history comprisesalmost 900,000 items overall, from postage stamps to panzer tanks.
The Haus der Geschichte is subdivided into five organizational sections. These represent the different tasks of a museum. The Exhibitions section arranges and updates the permanent exhibition and all temporary exhibitions and exhibitions for hire. The Communications section handles the PR work in the classic print media and in social and other online media. It is also in charge of educational services and Visitor Services, the events programme and publications. The Collections section is responsible for acquiring, preserving and managing the objects in the collections. It also runs the Information Centre, our Library and Media Library on German contemporary history. The Digital Services section handles all digital tasks of the Foundation. In addition to the project "Zeitzeugenportal" (online portal for contemporary witnesses videos), Digital Services also manages the areas media in the exhibitions, online editorial office, social media, data management and IT. The Central Services section manages the budget, processes procurement and is in charge of HR and the internal organization.
The museum building in Bonn was constructed specially for the Haus der Geschichte. It was designed and planned by Braunschweig-based architects Ingeborg and Hartmut Rüdiger. The building has a total usable area of approx. 22,000 sq. m. Over 4,000 sq. m. of space is available for the permanent exhibition and more than 650 sq. m. for the temporary exhibitions. The lobby forms the communicative heart of the building, the beginning and end of all guided visits. From here you can easily reach the different areas of the museum: the exhibitions, events rooms, the Information Centre, the museum café, museum shop and administration wing.