The big day has finally arrived: His Royal Highness, Prince Henry of Wales, marries the non-aristocrat American Meghan Markle. People around the globe are watching the ceremony on 19 May 2018. Photographer Peter Dench, however, is not really interested in bride and groom.
With his camera, Dench documents the thousands of people from all over the country that have come to Windsor since the early morning hours: Those who are equipped with crowns, bridal dresses and, of course, the Union Jack. Those who may even want to win Prince Harry over at the very last moment. Those who grasp the chance to make some profit out of the Royal Wedding.
Peter Denchs photographs look like snapshots but are of high aesthetic quality. They document everyday life in England as well as very special occasions. Dench doesn’t stage, nor gloss over, his photographs, but does add a good pinch of British humour to his work.
Peter Dench was born in 1972 in Weymouth, Dorset, into a working-class family. After finishing his Photographic Studies at the University of Derby in 1995, Dench started working as a photo journalist in national and international media. In 2002, he won a World Press Photo Award for his photo series „Drinking of England“. To Peter Dench, England is his passion and his home.