Exhibition for hire
Muslims in Germany
Images from the zenith Photo Award
Children playing pool in the recreation room at a mosque, youths dancing in Berlin’s Neukölln district, a police commissioner of Turkish origin in Gelsenkirchen – snapshots from the photographic exhibition “Muslims in Germany”.
The exhibition presents a selection of 66 photographs submitted for the first zenith Photo Award. In 2011, the magazine “zenith - Zeitschrift für den Orient” and Stiftung Mercator launched a nationwide competition calling for entries of images showing a personal picture of the everyday life of Muslims in Germany. The entries are narrative photo series: people going about their daily lives, on the street, at work, at school or in their spare time.
Overall, the photos paint a diverse picture of the everyday life and lifeworld of Muslims in Germany. They impressively show the various forms of expression of Islamic culture, although foreign in Germany nevertheless at home here.
“Muslims in Germany” is an exhibition by Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in cooperation with zenith - Zeitschrift für den Orient and Stiftung Mercator. It was first presented in our Underground Gallery in Bonn “Muslims in Germany. Images from the zenith Photo Award” at Haus der Geschichte Bonn from 12 October 2012 until 17 June 2013.
Museums and cultural institutions can host this photo exhibition in order to display it on their own premises. It will be made available well packed in compact transport crates at very favourable conditions. This page provides all the relevant information on conditions, how to go about it, and whom to contact.
Exhibition structure
I. “Foreign home”, photographs by Kai Löffelbein, 1st prize, zenith Photo Award 2011 (11 photographs)
II. “In search”, photographs by Agata Szymanska-Medina, 2nd prize, zenith Photo Award 2011 (11 photographs)
III. “We, they and I”, photographs by Feriel Bendjama, 3rd prize, zenith Photo Award 2011 (12 photographs)
IV. “Gropiusstadt, Berlin”, photographs by Lukas Fischer, online readers award, zenith Photo Award 2011 (11 photographs)
V. Selected works by other competition entrants (21 photographs)
Scope of the exhibition
- 66 photographs (b/w and colour), 63 of them framed:
- 18 frames measuring 100 x 70 cm (3 portrait, 15 landscape)
- 45 frames measuring 58 x 45 cm (21 portrait, 24 landscape)
- One stand for visitor book and information material
- Colour of the frames: uncoated aluminium / mount card: grey
- Introductory text on Dibond measuring 60 x 40 cm
- 14 short texts (5.5 x 12.5 cm) accompanying the exhibits and four long texts (8.6 x 12.5 cm), mounted on Dibond
- Approx. 50 m continuous wall space is required to hang the frames.
- A loan period of at least eight weeks is usual.
- The borrower shall insure the loaned items “from nail to nail” (insurance value: 12,365.00 Euros).
- The borrower shall be responsible for organizing and paying for transportation of the loaned items to its exhibition venue and return transportation in consultation with Haus der Geschichte Foundation.
- The borrower shall provide suitable exhibition space including the exhibition technology (gallery rails/partitions).
- The borrower shall contribute to handling costs, the costs of the basic layout of communication media and covering licence rights by paying a one-off fee of 250 Euros.
- The borrower shall conduct public relations work (see below).
- The borrower shall provide 2-3 photos of the space or institution where the exhibition is to be held for possible announcements in Haus der Geschichte publications.
- Entrance to the exhibition must be free.
- The borrower shall compile exhibition documentation, which is to be given to Haus der Geschichte after the end of the exhibition. The documentation shall include:
- 5-10 representative photos of the exhibition at the borrower’s venue with and without visitors
- Information on visitor numbers
- Press reviews
- Visitor comments / copies of the visitor book
The borrower shall hold an opening event and send the lender specimen copies of the invitation to the exhibition opening in good time. The borrower shall conduct PR work and organize a supporting programme for the exhibition. Haus der Geschichte shall for its part provide a press release and press photos.
Poster and invitation
Haus der Geschichte shall provide the borrower with a fixed contingent of 50 posters and 300 invitations bearing the exhibition motif without any individualized imprint. The latter can be carried out at the borrower’s request and expense in consultation with Haus der Geschichte. Additional contingents of these materials can be purchased at cost price.
Opening event
A representative of Haus der Geschichte must be requested to open the exhibition. The borrower is obliged to cover the travel expenses and if necessary the cost of overnight accommodation.
Colourful and diverse? That is how we see Muslim life in Germany in a selection of photos from the zenith Photo Award 2011. In 2011 zenith, the “magazine for the Orient”, and Stiftung Mercator launched a competition calling on entrants to photograph the life of Muslims in Germany in all its facets. The exhibition for hire by Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Foundation presents some 70 images from this nationwide competition.
In addition to photo series by the prize-winners, the exhibition also showcases selected images by other entrants. Eighty-four participants, both Muslims and non-Muslims, addressed the topic. They include professional photographers, photography students and enthusiastic amateurs. Staged and documentary photos, quizzical gazes from the outside inwards, and attempts at explanation from the inside together offer an panorama of different artistic approaches.
The photographs enable kaleidoscopic insights into the everyday life and lifeworld of Muslims in Germany – at home, on the street, at work, at school or in their spare time. Kai Löffelbein won first prize with “Foreign home”. The photo series shows children on a playground, youths at a teahouse, and a Kurdish husband and wife in a refugee home.
He wanted to convey “a sense of the foreign and of being unwelcome” with his photos, says the prize-winner. With her photos, Agata Szymanska-Medina (2nd Prize) tells the story of a young Palestinian who has been living in Germany for one year between his old and his new home. Feriel Bendjama won 3rd Prize for her self-portrait wearing a headscarf and various accessories in a photo series: “In my work I reflect my personal observations and encounters with the headscarf,” she comments.
Together, the photographs produce an especially multi-facetted picture and reveal the various, colourful forms of expression of Muslim culture in Germany.
“Muslims in Germany. Images from the zenith Photo Award” is an exhibition by Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in cooperation with zenith - Zeitschrift für den Orient and Stiftung Mercator. The first presentation was held in the Underground Gallery at Haus der Geschichte in Bonn. The exhibition “Muslims in Germany. Images from the zenith Photo Award” ran from 12 October 2012 until 17 June 2013.