
Hand with smartphone, on the display you can see the AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition 'Site of German Division' in the Tränenpalast

Explore the exhibitions of our museums with our free AudioGuides and listen to individual commentaries on the objects and the stories behind. We have developed AudioGuides for the permanent exhibitions in the Museum in der Kulturbrauerei, in the Tränenpalast and in the Haus der Geschichte.

You can listen to the AudioGuides online at any time: Either at home or on the road in preparation for your visit or simply using your smartphone in the museum, with the free Wi-Fi for visitors.

AudioGuides Berlin
Hand with smartphone, on the display you can see the AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition 'Everyday Life in the GDR' in the Museum in der Kulturbrauerei

AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition in the Museum in der Kulturbrauerei

Learn more about the Everyday Life in the GDR with our AudioGuide. Commentaries by historians, contemporary witnesses and exhibition organizers will guide you through the exhibition in the Museum in der Kulturbrauerei. Or you can listen to the tracks anywhere else in preparation for your visit. The AudioGuide is available in German, English, French, Spanish and Italian.

AudioGuide online

Hand with smartphone, on the display you can see the AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition 'Site of German Division' in the Tränenpalast

AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition in the Tränenpalast

Discover the Site of German Division with our AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition in the Tränenpalast. Learn how border clearance worked or what it meant when families are separated by a wall. Whether at home, on the road or in the museum: You can call up our AudioGuide at any time. The AudioGuide is available in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Polish, Russian and Hebrew.

AudioGuide online

AudioGuide Leipzig
Eine Hand hält den Audioguide des Zeitgeschichtlichen Forum Leipzigs

AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition at Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig

Find out more aout „Our history. Democracy and Dictatorship after 1945“ at Zeitgeschichtliches Forum with our AudioGuide. In 25 tracks you will discover more about selected objects, their history, special events and milestones in conetemporary histoy. You can listen to the AudioGuide online at any time and at any place. All tracks are available in German, English, French and Spanish. 

AudioGuide online

AudioGuide Bonn
Hand with smartphone, on the display you can see the AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition 'Germany since 1945' in the Haus der Geschichte

AudioGuide for the permanent exhibition in the Haus der Geschichte

Find out more about Germany since 1945 with our AudioGuide. In 33 tracks, you will discover interesting stories behind selected objects which you can see in the permanent exhibition in the Haus der Geschichte. You can listen to the AudioGuide online at any time and at any place. All tracks are available in German, English, Spanish and French.

AudioGuide online