2018 in pictures: In our exhibition "Rückblende 2018" we present 70 photographs, five photo series and 50 cartoons that document and comment on political events in the past year. This competition for the best political photographs and cartoons in Germany, now in its 35th year, is organized by the Landesvertretung Rheinland-Pfalz and the Bundesverband Deutscher Zeitungsverleger.
The demolition of the "Immerather Dom" (Immerather cathedral), political summits, and the (self-)destruction of some parties are the current issues in 2018. The photo of Daniel Chatard wins the Award for press photography. The Immerather cathedral had to give away for the lignite mining "Garzweiler".
The winning cartoon deals with an entirely different subject: The cartoon "Things are looking up" shows a sinking ship with SPD chairwoman Andrea Nahles. She seems optimistic. The prize "Best Series" goes to photographer David Klammer for his documentation of demonstrations at Hambacher Forst.
Total 215 photojournalists and 65 cartoonists submitted 1.354 entries to this year's competition. All the entries can be found at www.rueckblende.rlp.de . The "Rückblende 2018" catalogue is available in the museum shop.