Exploring on one’s own

Tracing History: "Papers, please!"

What role did the Palace of Tears play after the Berlin Wall was built? What impact did the division of Germany have on people’s daily lives in East and West? The self-guided tour ”Papers, please!“ invites young people to explore these questions in the permanent exhibition at this historic site. At six stations, students can investigate original objects, documents and photos and discover history’s relevance for their own lives today.

Ask for the Guide “Tracing history” at the information desk.

Download the Guide “Tracing history”


Target audience: Students (14 to 17 years)
Duration: 45 minutes
Topics: German division and unification, everyday life
free of charge


Visitor Services
Tel. (0 30) 4 67 77 79-11
E-Mail: besucherdienst-berlin(at)hdg.de